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Poultry Feed Supplements

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Diaphos MX - Calcium Supplement

Price: 90.00 - 400.00 INR/Pack

Calcium Supplement For Poultry We, VXL Animal Health and Nutrition, is a leading manufacturer, exporter and supplier of Animal Health and Nutrition products (for Poultry / Aquaculture / Dairy Farming). We offer DIAPHOS MX , which is a highly potentiated calcium supplement for poultry birds. If our birds do not consume enough calcium in their diet, their body takes the necessary calcium from their bones to use for other essential functions. This can result in brittle or porous bones, broken bones, low bone density, weakness - especially in later life and arthritis. To ensure they maintain excellent bone health, it is essential they receive sufficient quantities of calcium every day. It is even more important to ensure that the body can utilise and absorb the calcium it is given. In DIAPHOS MX, along with calcium, it also contains several other minerals like Magnesium diphosphate, Phophorous pentoxide, Sodium diphosphate, Manganese diphosphate, Zinc diphosphate etc. Usage/Benefits of using DIAPHOS MX in Poultry :- Gains in production efficiency, with decreased mortality Improve egg shell and productivity in layers farming For proper bone formation and helps to prevents rickets and osteomalacia in poultry Also, it is an important supplements of other useful nutrients like Phosphorous, Magnesium, Copper, Zinc etc. Packaging: 1 Litre Bottle. 5 Ltr Bottle.

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Hista VET LFS - Supplement for Respiratory Disorder

Price: 100.00 - 400.00 INR/Pack

A Potent Supplement For Respiratory Problem In Poultry, Large And Small Animal We, VXL Animal Health and Nutrition, is a leading manufacturer, exporter and supplier of Animal Health and Nutrition products (for Poultry / Aquaculture / Dairy Farming). We offer HistaVet LFS, which is a potent ayurvedic supplement for Poultry, small and Large animals to helps in restoration from respiratory problems. One of the most common veterinary complaints is snicking, sneezing and coughing. Respiratory disease often presents itself with one or more birds sneezing / snicking. These birds can have a runny nose and foamy running eyes. In severe cases these birds can have swollen sinuses (presents as swelling around the eyes), stop eating and in extreme cases die. There are a number of predisposing factors for respiratory disease in chickens: as with any animal, stress can cause an underlying disease to show itself. This stress could be due to extremes of temperature and humidity, high stocking density, being transported, being taken to a poultry show and new animals being introduced to an existing/established flock. Certain types of bacteria caused respiratory problems: Mycoplasma Gallisepticum, Avian rhino Tracheitis (ART), Infectious bronchitis (IB), Infectious Laryngo Tracheitis (ILT). The best way of preventing infection of your birds is to minimise stress, ensure the stocking density and ensure correct ventilation. Apart from above precaution, HistaVet LFS is also highly recommended for all such types of respiratory disorders which result into coughing, sneezing, rattling, whizzing caused due to clim atic changes, stress factors. It also helps in giving certain symptomatic relief like weakness, Fatigue, Labored Breathing / Gurgling / Respiratory Illness, Poor appetite etc. It results in transition from stressful conditions and is also hepful in treatment of bronchitis, diarrhea, dysentry, skin disease in Poultry, Small animals and Large animals. A proper dosage of Histavet LFS can helps in treating Respiratory problem. Packaging: 1 Lt. Bottle 5 Lt. Bottle

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Ovigrow XL - Egg Production Enhancer Powder

Price: 100.00 - 300.00 INR/Pack

Specialized Blend For Optimum Production In Poultry Breeders, Commercial Layers And Emu Birds We, VXL Animal Health and Nutrition, is a leading manufacturer, exporter and supplier of Animal Health and Nutrition products (for Poultry / Aquaculture / Dairy Farming). We offer OviGrow XL which is a highly specialized blend of chromium, yeast complex, chelated minerals and immunomodulators. Benefits of OviGrow XL :- OviGrow XL can help to increase egg production It helps to decrease the average feed intake It helps to reduce the average mortality rate It helps to reduce the egg shell breakage It helps to improve the egg yolk color and albumen contents in the treated flocks Contents Benefits Chromium helps control appetite, hypoglycemia and protein uptake Yeast complex An excellent source of amino acids for poultry. Good sources of mineral and vitamin B complex. Live yeast boosts immunity levels in the system resulting in better protection against infection. Live yeast has a constant interaction with crude fiber resulting in increased fiber digestion. Yeast will produce unidentified growth factors which result in better production Important chelated minerals Chelated minerals are increasingly used in animal nutrition. Mineral chelates have a different involvement in metabolism as compared to inorganic sources. Among other benefits, better mineral uptake and enhancement of the immune response. Immunomodulators The modification of the immune system of chickens with targeted genetic selection and diet supplementation in production settings can lead to improved SE (disease) resistance and reduced risk of food borne illnesses. Packaging: 1 Kg Pack 10 Kg Pack 20 Kg Pack

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Vtox Forte - Toxin Binder Powder

Price: 100.00 - 400.00 INR/Pack

Complete Package For Control Of Toxins Enriched With Organic Acids For Poultry We, VXL Animal Health and Nutrition, is a leading manufacturer, exporter and supplier of Animal Health and Nutrition products (for Poultry / Aquaculture / Dairy Farming). We offer VTox forte which is a products for toxin related problems in poultry. Toxins are metabolites of fungi / moulds which are absorbed from poultry gut and hinder the normal body functioning of bird. The major problems are hepatic and renal dysfunctioning, immunosuppression, reduced growth, poor hatchability and fertility. The feed raw material and finished feeds are inevitably contaminated with wide range of moulds and mycotoxins resulting in reduction of quality and palatability of feed. VXL offer the product Vtox forte that act as a toxin binder and play a beneficial role in toxin management.

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Tone UP - Poultry Electrolyte Powder

Price: 700 INR/Pack

A Growth Promoter Electrolyte For Poultry Poultry feed additive for growth. We, VXL Animal Health and Nutrition, is a leading manufacturer, exporter and supplier of Animal Health and Nutrition products (for Poultry / Aquaculture / Dairy Farming).